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Sunday, September 2, 2012

Flagstaff – WEEK 2

August 27th – September 2nd 2012

Almost three weeks ago, we left Kirkland, Washington and left behind those great lake and sky views. There were other ups and downs, but now it is gone and we are settled in Flagstaff. We left this behind:

And we arrived here:
On Monday, J. finished her orientation and next day we had to drive to Phoenix for her license. That was trip to Phoenix. We enjoyed our trip to Sunset Crater and Wupatki Monument. On Wednesday, the license did not show on nursing web, so J. could not work on Thursday. There was more “monkey business” about that, but the result was Friday as a workday. I dropped her at work, got home just to receive phone call to come back to hospital. There she told me, that the hospital wants to have paper copy. The result: Let us go to Phoenix (again). We drove there, spend two minutes at nursing board office and drove back. So much fun. But hopefully that should be all and we can enjoy Flagstaff’s nights like this:

On the way from our place to the hospital is Buffalo Park. The major loop is two miles long. The park is pretty flat and basically on the top of the city. You cannot see the city (really), but the views are still incredible.

So, our Friday was incredible, but J. got her piece of paper. We stopped by the hospital, to double check her schedule and Saturday was her first day of work (it actually happened). Today, Sunday, is her second day (those two days were orientation on the floor). So far, it looks good. After I dropped her at work this morning, I stopped by Buffalo Park and walk/run those two miles. It was seven in the morning (Sunday) and there were plenty of people. When I was leaving, I counted 28 cars. Interesting. Otherwise, it was really nice morning.

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