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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Grand Circle – Day 2

September 28th 2012

Kanab, UT – Panguitch, UT
Miles driven: 168
Night spent: Panguitch Inn, Panguitch, UT
Time traveled: 8.03 am – 6.19 pm

Normal morning. We got gasoline and coffee at the gas station and started to drive towards Zion National Park. It was relatively short drive (less then 30 miles). The day started to look pretty nice again (sunny and warm). I guess, we had all we needed.
Zion National Park. We had to drive thru the gate (and use our Annual National Park Pass, otherwise you pay 25 dollars), quite a few cars already there. The road had red asphalt, matching all the rock around, nice.
Shortly after entering the park, we stopped and saw the mountain (or hill) with chess board pattern. If that was small preview of things to come, we were for the treat.
Part of the road into the park is the tunnel. It is about a mile long and pretty narrow. For larger vehicles, the traffic has to be stopped and run just one way. The tunnel has several “windows”, openings into the canyons and hills. It is really cool.
And … of course … some wildlife:
We parked by the visitor’s center (parking lot was already almost full). We looked inside, used restrooms, and experienced some technical difficulties. Everything worked out just fine and we could board the bus. The main part of the park is closed for private vehicles in summer season. People have to use park’s busses to tour the park. There is several stops (either overlooks or trails). Our first one was Emerald ponds. We walked for about half a mile to see small waterfalls. It was cliff and the water was just raining down. It was really beautiful picture.
The scenery was incredible. So many times we had to say, that it looks unreal. I mean, it is hard to describe or even show on the picture.
We stopped few times until we got to the end. There was mile long trail going thru the canyon (and following river). It was nice paved trail full of people. The scenery was incredible (and partly ruined by all the people). We saw some different wild life:
The trail ends and it is possible to continue into the river. It would look incredibly amazing (if there would be less people).
Weeping rock was the name of another formation. Water dripping all over the cliff and creating illusion of rain. They were incredible views. Again, it is almost impossible to describe.
But, there was more to do in this day, so we had to finish our tour of Zion park and head out. We had to get back to parking lot (this time it was already full and people were directed to town) and got into car. We had quick lunch and left. Too many people. Driving towards freeway number 15 (connecting Las Vegas and Salt Lake). Some nice places and some really goofy looking places.
About 20 miles on freeway and we exited into small part of Zion called Kolob Canyons. Quick stop by visitor’s center and more driving. It was short (about 7 miles) scenic drive into canyon and back. It was again amazing. The canyon and red mountains, forest and some flowers, it is hard to imagine nicer picture. Simply, it was amazing.
Again, we had to hit the road. Driving back, looking into the valley in front of us and then getting back on freeway. Again short time on freeway and then turning towards Cedar Breaks National Monument. Smaller roads and pretty much no information about this place.
After leaving most of the civilization behind us, we started to see something different. There was less red rock (later it was pretty much gone) and more trees and meadows and fields. And cows. And color. And aspen trees changing colors. Fall is here. And J. went crazy with camera, taking millions of pictures of trees and hills. It was incredible view, it was beautiful and amazing.
We as well gained some elevation; we were about 10000 feet high. It was surprising, how many cows there were. We did not see many houses, but the nature was really pretty and incredible. And we got close to Cedar Breaks.
Parking lot. Small cabin with the ranger. We walked towards the overlook and saw it:
It was incredibly unreal. The road towards this wonder and then to see it. It was more then unbelievable. Couple more stops after this initial one and the sign with our elevation: 10460 feet. And more incredible views.
We saw many more animals.
Houses, campground, lodge.
Pretty light traffic.
Lake with possibility of fishing.
Driving towards Panguitch in Utah. Pretty small town. We stayed in historic Panguitch Inn. We actually missed it first time, because it was one story building in “downtown” area. We parked in the building and had really historic room. It was fine.
On the way there, we saw some sheep, including black one (who is it?).

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