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Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Sedona, AZ - WEEK 9

October 15th – October 21st 2012

On Monday afternoon, J’s aunt and uncle stopped by on their way to New Mexico. We talked a lot and then took a short drive to Walnut Canyon. They came from Utah and apparently they already visited Flagstaff. We just stayed on the top of the main trail and enjoy the view of the canyon. This was followed by the drive to the town, where we had a dinner together (thank you). It was still relatively early, so we decided to drive to Arizona Snowbowl and see the sunset. We were a bit late, so we saw a darkness coming down really fast (and some redness in the distance). It was still really pretty.

Next day, J. worked and they left very early in the morning. We had some workdays (for J.) and relatively lazy for me. We could not figure out our plans for our free days, so we just relaxed and did nothing (pretty pleasant). One day, we took a walk on Campbell Mesa trail. It was nice day and we really enjoyed it. And obviously, on J’s working day, I hiked Humphreys Peak. And I was standing on the top of Arizona.

After running errands and some other small stuff in two free days (not much) we finally decided to drive to Sedona and visit Red Rock State Park. And as well see movie. Sunday morning drive to Sedona, surprisingly, there was many cars along the road and we were worried about number of people visiting the park. For big part of the drive, I had to follow slow truck (he turned into the parking lot just before the town) and I was not happy about that. After he finally left the road, I honked at him and he did the same. Nice people.
We were somewhat familiar with the road and drive, so it was relatively boring to get to the park. There, we had to pay 10 dollars and drive to pretty empty parking lot (nice). Quick visit to the visitor’s center, where the ranger recommended the route. And we started to walk. It was really nice and pleasant day. After leaving the parking lot, we walked down to the stream and crossed it. It was interesting, how different it was from red semi desert.

 And we kept walking. The views were really nice and interesting. The trail was supposed to take us up to the ridge and gave us more panoramic views.

They were definitely amazing. It was really surprising, that there was not more people. Well, we did enjoy it. The sky had only few clouds (good for picture taking), the temperature was almost ideal (it got somewhat warmer as we continue walking) and what we saw was incredible. To continue with some personal pictures, here we are (follow with the picture of red rocks):

The park had several trails (they were well marked and nicely connected) and we were just making one big loop (walking most of the trails). It was really nice. On the top of one hill, more less in the middle of the park was House of the Apache Fire. When we were next to it, we found fenced house that was built in 1930 by some rich people and getaway. We were probably in the second half, when we were crossing dry wash. It would be interesting to see it when there is some water.

Because our hike was shorter then we thought, we hiked as well smaller trail in the corner of the park.  Eagle’s Nest Trail. Coyote Ridge Trail. Apache Fire Trail. Javelina Trail. Yavapai Ridge Trail. Smoke Trail. From the Yavapai Ridge trail we saw really nice pictures of the red rocks. We as well met some people who were lost. At that point, we were heading towards the stream.

We walked about two hours and 5 miles. Towards the end, we were on the bottom of the valley next to the stream. There was small bridge and the place was peaceful and quiet. We did sit down on the bridge and just enjoyed the moment. When I looked around, I could not see anything else then stream and trees. All the red rock was gone for the moment.

We had last trail left. It was pretty path following the stream and smaller cliff. It was unbelievable how different and beautiful the place was. At one point, we found different type of cactus on the cliff. It was nice view.

We just finished walking the trail and got back to the car. The end of Red Rock visit. Drive back to Sedona. J. wanted to stop at some art show in the town, which we did. Just next to the parking lot was interesting vehicle with even more interesting trailer (see picture below). Then we walked through the art show. Nothing special. Weird farmer’s market store and as well closing antiques store.

J. wanted to stop somewhere in the town and see some more stores. There was a lot of cars, really a lot of people, so J. changed her mind and we just continued home. Again, too many cars on windy road and even more cars along the road. We have decided to see movie earlier (at 2.20 instead of 5.10). Along the way, we stopped at the viewpoint and Indian marketplace.

Last part of our day, we got back to the town and drove to the theatre. We were going to see the movie “Seven psychopaths”. It was really great movie. Funny. We both enjoyed it. After that, we just got home, had something to eat and took it easy.

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