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Sunday, October 7, 2012

Flagstaff, AZ - WEEK 7

October 1st – October 7th 2012

On Monday, we were still on the way home from our “Grand Circle” trip. The rest of the day, we just unpacked and relaxed. It was a lot of travel.
On Tuesday, we stayed at home and did pretty much nothing. J. tried to sort out some paperwork for her next assignment, but otherwise, we just took it easy.
On Wednesday, J. worked and I cleaned and washed the car. I do not know if I mentioned that the whole trip, my neck was stiff and hurting. After washing the car (it was really dirty) my neck started hurting again. So I did pretty much nothing for the rest of the day.

On Thursday, we had our wedding anniversary. It has been 9 years since we got married (who would says so). We had easy morning and went to town for lunch. We agreed on one restaurant. It was nice day, sunny and pretty warm.
We had pretty good lunch. It was relatively nice place with pretty good food. J. had salmon and I had pork belly tacos.

After relaxed and good lunch, we drove thru town towards Arizona Snowbowl. It is ski resort about 11 miles from town with elevation about 9500 feet.

It is the same road as driving to Grand Canyon. It is pretty road. We saw many fall colors on our trip and we can see them coming here too. It makes the surroundings really magical. The days are still warm, but mornings are getting somewhat cold. Unfortunately.

 We turned towards the resort and saw sign saying, that skyride is open only on weekends. We still drove up to see how the area looks like. It was 7 mile long road. Pretty road. In the middle or so, we saw big group of young people in same dresses taking some photo. It looked strange. We parked and looked around. It was really beautiful.

We got home and just took it easy, again. In the evening, J. decided to make the cake from the box. She said it was for me (really nice). Did not work too well:

On Friday, J. worked and I did pretty much nothing.
On Saturday, J. was on call, so we stayed home and did pretty much nothing.
On Sunday, we wanted to grab breakfast, so we parked by restaurant/bakery. It looked fine, kind of busy, but I guess that would be good sign. We went in and I did not like that it was ordering by the counter – we left without breakfast. We drove thru town, looking for different place, but we saw only two long lines – no breakfast this morning. Our next destination was farmer’s market. A bit of work to find parking spot. Walk thru the market. J. finally got her breakfast, but she was still hungry.

Another drive to Arizona Snowbowl. It was about 10.30 am. The skyride was open 10-4. The same nice drive, maybe more leaves changed the color. We had to drive a bit on dirt road to park next to the skyride. There was a building and then we saw the ride. I did not like that picture, I do not really enjoy the heights. We bought the tickets (15 dollars each) and got on the ride. Before, we were informed, that it is 38 degrees on the top. Well, nothing we could do, we did not have any extra clothes. So … just ride up.

It was a bit cold. J. was super giddy (partly by views and whole experience, partly by my discomfort). The views were incredible. The skyride started at 9500 feet and ended at 11500 feet. So the 25 minutes ride was incredible. I have to say that I did not feel very comfortable. Along the way, we saw some shoes and clothes. And bra on the tree …. weird.
Obviously, the views, hard to describe:

Finally, after very long ride (25 minutes) we were on the top of the skyride. It was not the top of the mountains, but it was high enough. I have to say, I was glad to stand on the firm ground. The views were incredible. Apparently, they expect first snow in a week (we talked to the ranger), people ski from this place (it looked really steep). She as well said, that at the end of winter season, some people ride down in their underwear (probably how the bra appeared there). And there was no way to walked down. Dow. 
Our picture on the top:
There was small building, few information signs and short trail going a bit higher. There was maybe 16 people, so it was not so bad. The views were unbelievable. It was a bit hazy, but still more then incredible. Including this:
We walked to the higher point, looked around, took some pictures and I was mentally getting ready to get on the bench a ride down. I was not looking forward to that. I was joking, that I will pee my pants (obviously did not happen). And ride down.

At this point, there was so many people riding up, that we were glad we did this early in the day. For some strange reason, it got colder going down and we were glad to be done with it. It was really incredible (and somewhat uncomfortable for me) experience. We had BBQ for lunch in Flagstaff and took the rest of Sunday really easy.

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